๐ŸŽ‰ BurgerCities VDance Creating New Year Campaign: Win up to $500U +$BEAN and Official Performing Opportunity

โ… . Introduction

In order to encourage more creators to use Lasagna, SecondLive will launch a series of VDance creating campaigns. For the first campaign, participants will win rewards by creating dance videos with the theme of New Year and using the corresponding themed scene in the latest client of Lasagna.

:play_or_pause_button: Download the latest client of Lasagna: Creator | SecondLive

:round_pushpin: Apply to become a VDance Creator: SecondLive Creators Whitelist Application

:golf: Submit works:

โ…ก. Time

:alarm_clock: Campaign Announcement: Dec 30, 2022 (UTC)

:mantelpiece_clock: Work Submission: 12:00 Dec 30, 2022 โ€” Jan 6, 2023 (UTC)

:watch: Result Announcement: Jan 8, 2023 (UTC)

:hourglass: Official Dance Performance: 12:00 Feb 5, 2023 (UTC)๏ผˆTBD๏ผ‰

โ…ข. Rewards

The rewards will be provided by SecondLive and BurgerCities. Participants can apply to be a VDance Creator and use Lasagna to make New Year Dance Video for the project. The winners will get corresponding rewards.

  • Total rewards: $500 USDT + $BEAN
  • 23 VDance Creators will be selected as the winners.

During the campaign, participants, who use Lasagna to create and publish dance videos (See Rules for details on how to participate), can enjoy the following corresponding rewards:

:one: Participation Award: every posted eligible video can get one participant 100 $BEAN reward. At most 500 $BEAN for each participant.

:two: Outstanding VDance Creator Award: Top 23 creators will be selected as the winners through comprehensive evaluation based on their weekly work quantity and quality. The rewards are as follows:

  • First Prize (1 winner): $100
  • Second Prize (2 winners): $50
  • Third Prize (10 winners): $20
  • Creativity Prize (10 winners): $10

:three: Official dance performance opportunity: among all winning dance videos, SecondLive team will select proper works for official dance performance. The team will contact corresponding VDance Creators via discord. Works using self-searched resources will have more chances of being selected.

Attention: the same work cannot be submitted simultaneously to different Vdance campaigns.

โ…ฃ. Evaluation Method of Outstanding Creator Award

Creatorโ€™s Final score = work quantity 50% + work quality score 50%;

:one: Work quantity: refers to all submitted works of the participant;

:two: Work quality score: refers to the sum of every work quality score. Among those, each work quality will be scored separately;

:three: SecondLive team will evaluate the video quality from three perspectives: video quality (resolution & length), resource quality (resource integrity, movement fluency and music adaptation), avatar quality (face and dressing up);

:four: There are 3 levels of video quality: poor-1 point, good-2 points and excellent-3 points; 1 point will be a bonus for using the resources obtained by oneself;

:four: For example, if a participant creates five dance videos in the campaign, then his/her final score will be counted as follows:

  • Work quantity = 5;
  • Work quality score of each video: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3
  • So, final score = 5 *50% + (1+2+2+3+3) *50% = 8

โ…ค. Rules

:one: Participants should make videos with the โ€œNew Yearโ€™s Sceneโ€ in the latest client of Lasagna, and make your avatars dress up in New Yearโ€™s theme.

:two: There is no limit to the MMD resources, no matter that they are from SecondLive Marketplace or other channels, or they are VDance Creatorsโ€™ origin resources. All of them could be used to make a dance video. But the video with the resources searched by creators themselves from other channels will have more chances for official performance. Here are the tutorials for you: MMD Resources Search Tutorial and Lasagna Tutorial.

:three: Video standard: the dance video shall contain the data of avatar, motion, music, camera; video resolution โ‰ฅ 720p; length โ‰ฅ 1 min; smooth movements; and the music shall match with the movements; only those works which meet the video standard can win the โ€œparticipation awardโ€™;

:four: Work submission: participants shall post the video on Twitter (If the video exceeds the Twitter video limit, participants could first upload the video on YouTube, then forward it to Twitter), and submit the tweet link below the related VDance Creating Campaign on the Forum;

:five: Winning work evaluation: SecondLive team will evaluate if the submitted videos meet the standards or not, and will manually count the video amount;

:six: Official dance performance details: SecondLive team will select and polish dance videos for the performance; for those selected works, the team will contact their creators via Discord to inform them to provide the MMD resources concerned and the clothes worn.

My submitted video link for this event is https://twitter.com/moneycrypto577/status/1609440861615689728?s=20&t=R536TBbZLAj8H5OzwmYqZw
youtube link: MMD VIDEO [SECONDLIVE] NEW YEAR 2023{LEAN ON} - YouTube

My video for event!!

this is my video



This is mine~


Misoโ€™s outfits are designed by myself :sparkling_heart:

This video is gonna be a hit.

SecondLive Lasagna is awesome, a dance to wish you all a happy new year!BurgerCities New Yearโ€™s Theme Video

The second creation, I was completely immersed

Bring a dance โ€œใƒ” ใƒณ ใ‚ฏ ใ‚ญ ใƒฃ ใƒƒ ใƒˆโ€

This is my work


My 2nd MMD video Submitted for this Event :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Youtube link: MMD VIDEO [SECONDLIVE] Do you love me - YouTube

My video
