World Cup 2022 — Predict Matches to Share a $20,000 Prize Pool


## Ⅰ. Introduction

During the 2022 World Cup, SecondLive will collaborate with sponsor projects to launch a match result prediction campaign. Different Token prize pools will be offered to different matches. The participants could predict the result after they obtain the prediction voucher (SecondLive’s World Cup 2022 NFT). By predicting correctly, they could share the relevant prize pool.

## Ⅱ. Time

⏰ 15/11/2022–18/12/2022 12:00 UTC

### Ⅲ. How to Play?

Step 1: Secure World Cup 2022 NFT
Only World Cup 2022 NFT holders can participate in the World Cup 2022 — Result Prediction Campaign.

[📍 Free mint World Cup 2022 NFT](

Participants who meet any of the following conditions will get whitelisted for free mint World Cup 2022 NFT:

Glory pass holders
BAB Token holders
SecondLive OG/ SecondLive First Anniversary NFT holders/ SecondLive Creators/ SecondLive Space holders/ Users who have minted clothes on IMO(Before Nov 15)
Participants who complete tasks set by the project :
Step 2: Participate in Result Predictions
Login to SecondLive, enter the World Space Pavilion and then predict the match results.

[📍 World Space Pavilion](

#### 🎁 Group Matches Prediction (Rewards: SecondLive $BEAN)

There are 48 rounds of predictions for group matches. The participants will receive $BEAN rewards for correct predictions. Details:

* Correct predictions no more than 2 matches: 50 $BEAN
* Correct predictions between 2–4 matches (4 included): 100 $BEAN
* Correct predictions between 4–6 matches (6 included): 200 $BEAN
* Correct predictions between 6–9 matches (9 included): 300 $BEAN
* Correct predictions between 9–12 matches(12 included): 400$BEAN
* Correct predictions for more than 12 matches: 500 $BEAN

#### 💰 Finals Prediction (Rewards: Sponsor’s Token)

There are 16 rounds of predictions for the final matches, including the round of 16, quarter-finals, semi-finals, 3rd place, and final. The participants will receive the sponsor’s token rewards for correct predictions. Details:

* Correct predictions no more than 3 matches: all winners share 10% of the prize pool
* Correct predictions between 3–5 matches (5 included): all winners share 20% of the prize pool
* Correct predictions between 5–7 matches (7 included): all winners share 30% of the prize pool
* Correct predictions for more than 7 matches: all winners share 40% of the prize pool


#### Step 3: Distribute prediction rewards

Check how many correct predictions you have got. Reward distribution: The rewards will be distributed according to the number of every participant’s correct predictions after the final match of the world cup finishes.

## Ⅳ. Rules

* For group match predictions, $BEAN reward distribution will be based on the participant’s number of correct predictions.
* For final match predictions, we’ll select the highest reward interval to distribute the rewards.
* There is only one chance for each wallet address to make one prediction in each match.
* The users who break the rules or cheat during the event will be disqualified for participation.

Date & Time

Nov 22 12:00 UTC ~ Dec 22 12:00 UTC
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How to enter prediction once in World Space Pavilion? I can only see the first four matches but nowhere to enter prediction.