Questions for the team are inside the proposal. If you also want to hear the answers, vote "YES"

The project is over 2 years old, and during this time the community has consistently supported most of the events and testnets proposed by the SL, but the team has never revealed its plans to the community, has not created a roadmap, and prefers to keep users in the dark. This state of affairs, of course, raises a lot of questions among the community, reduces motivation, and it is quite obvious that real users are gradually being replaced by multi-accounts. If the team thinks everything is fine, please answer a few community questions:

  1. “DAO and VP”

    From SL official docs:
    “Community Proposal: Proposed by community. They provide ideas and show attitude towards project. The SecondLive team will review every single proposal and vote carefully.”

    How and when do you currently consider community proposals in the DAO? There are still some good and old questions that the team hasn’t answered. Do you think this corresponds to what is stated in official documents?

    Also from official documents:
    “Voting Governance
    The voting behaviour ensured SecondLive community to have a voice in project development in the future.
    Core Proposal: SecondLive team initiate proposal, the final decision is made on voting results.”

    Shouldn’t adding new networks and new weekly pools (or splitting the current one) be approved by a community vote? These are major changes, and voting will be consistent with the principles of decentralization and the official documents of the project.
    VP was sold to the community (and a little was given away some for activity) for what? What can VP affect in your understanding?


    Will users be rewarded for completing tasks on other networks (other than the BNB chain) before new mining pools are launched on those networks?

  3. “USER SPACES” (apartments,islands, rooftops and etc)

    Are there any plans to use user spaces ? For new projects you just create new ones, but what happens to our spaces? Just VP and that’s it?


    Are there any plans to replace treasure hunting with some other activity? Everyone’s devices are different, Internet speeds are different, and so on. When distributing some valuable prizes based on the principle of “who is faster”, this is a dishonest approach. Or do you now need such activity for different tests?


This is part of the text from the official SL documents:
“SecondLive will provide a certain amount of LIVE every week (currently 100,000 LIVE) and the number will be modified with the increase of users and DAO governance.”

But now you have not increased the pool, but divided the current one into 2 networks. Why this decision? Do you think that the community has not grown in 2 years? Or does the community not deserve an increase in rewards?

Now there are more transactions for each user in two networks, more time is spent, and the final amount of $LIVE from the weekly pool for each user will be the same as before in the best case.

Do you think this is fair to the community?


    Of course, the most frequent question in the community is when or under what conditions do you plan to list the token on an exchange?

P.S. Thanks to everyone who took part in the voting. We hope that the team will take the time to review and answer community questions, as responsible projects do.

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