Put on the Halloween costume and collect multiple candy Token rewards


As Halloween πŸŽƒ is approaching, SecondLive will join hands with other projects to release the 2022 Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT. By completing relevant tasks, users could free mint the Halloween costume NFT. Minting and wearing the costume, users could pick up candy Token in Halloween Space of SecondLive. A total value of $ 2000 Token of candy rewards will be provided in the events.

Event 1: 2022 Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT
⏰ Time: 12:00, Oct.24 β€” 14:30, NOV.4 (UTC)

❓How to participate:
After completing any following task on Galxe, users will obtain corresponding project x SecondLive Halloween co-branded costume OAT. The OAT holders will be eligible to open a 2022 Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT mystery box (which contains multiple project x SecondLive co-branded Halloween costume NFT)

πŸŽƒ DEGO x SecondLive OAT claiming link: soon

πŸŽƒ Cocos-BCX x SecondLive OAT claiming link: https://galxe.com/CocosBCX/campaign/GCSFwUwqQk

πŸŽƒ BeatQ x SecondLive OAT claiming link: https://galxe.com/SecondLive/campaign/GCS4wUwq23

πŸŽƒ Treasureland x SecondLive OAT claiming link: https://galxe.com/treasureland/campaign/GCWfwUwcv9

2022 Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT mystery box

| No. | Project  | Quantity of Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT  |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | DEGO | 1000 |
| 2 | Cocos-BCX | 1000 |
| 3 | BeatQ | 1000 |
| 4 | Treasureland | 1000 |

Event 2: Nov. 1 β€” Candy Token Airdrop Event
⏰ Time: 12:30, NOV.1 β€” 14:30, NOV.4 (UTC)

❓ How to participate:
Login on SecondLive Client, and it will automatically jump to the homepage of SecondLive website, then enter the Halloween Space. The users wearing 2022 Halloween co-branded limited edition costume NFT could pick up the candy Token in the Space airdropped by the projects.

🎁 Rewards:
| Time (UTC) | Airdrop |
| --- | --- |
| Nov.1 12:30 - 14:30 | 500 $ Token |
| Nov.2 12:30 - 14:30 | 500 $ Token |
| Nov.3 12:30 - 14:30 | 500 $ Token |
| Nov.4 12:30 - 14:30 | 500 $ Token |

Sponsors of airdropped candy Token

|  Project  | Token |
| --- | --- |
| SecondLive | $ 500  LIVE |
| DEGO | $ 500 DEGO |
| Cocos-BCX | $ 500  COCOS |
| BeatQ |  $ 500 USDT |

Date & Time

Oct 22 12:00 UTC ~ Nov 22 12:00 UTC