Probably a newb question but can't find an answer

I’ve been using this platform maybe a month now and it’s pretty cool but I’m still confused about a few things, maybe some wise soul here can help. First of all (yes I know I asked this in discord but the answer wasnt really an answer) for the imo free mint items in the marketplace where is the tutorial or quote un quote rules to become eligible to mint said item? half of them say read the rules underneath but when you click it it just links you right back to the same page, the other half just tell you you suck you’re not getting this with no links, and then of course theres the all too mysterious well I know for a fact i just completed that galxe task the image is literrally identical why can’t I mint this item? Lastly are the main spaces like in the app, other than the collect coin daily space, there and used only for specific live events or can you do anything or find anything in them? Sorry for the novel and thanks in advance!

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I believe the app is for claiming beans :beans: for now till forder notice
Though according to my understanding now

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