Detailing, proposal for MarketPlace

1-) Scroll bar for upcoming list. As the products multiply, it becomes difficult to progress.
2-)A list of all items for sale by the creator when the creator name is clicked. We need a personalized, market, list.

3-) Market Home, search bar, product or creative, to search.
4-) Listing of all creators. Scrollbar. Listing all products of the clicked creator.

5-) Market link on profile page

6-) When a product is selected, the name of the product owner and a link to the marketplace for the entire list that is on sale.

Customization of the marketplace avoids confusion and enables more efficient use when the number of products is in the thousands in the future. Users will have their own brands in SecondLive and more details are needed for brands to stand out.



Great advice, thanks Multi :kissing_heart:

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