BEAN Tokens in Staking

I haven’t found the technical support at this website.
I couldn’t find my BEAN tokens at Staking for LIVE. I put 100 BEAN for that.
Could anyone help?

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your BEAN is burned when weekly pool closes on Monday

this is just how it works, you get LIVE instead of your BEAN

But after my BEAN coins are burnt, I have 0 account in Live Staking. It means that I need to earn 100 BEAN to stake them for LIVE for only 1 week. Is it right?

It’s not easy to make with Mission Center. Moreover, I need to pay a gas fee once again. That’s unfair.

You can accumulate beans and stake them later on. With that you can save on gas fees.

Thanks guys for your replies! At least, now I know the coins were not stolen.

gas is very low- 0.00024 BNB and you get 20 BEAN, it’s very fair.
Other than puncing on-chain task you can earn BEAN by treasure hunt, mannequin challenge, bug bounty, events, it’s not so difficult to earn BEAN here.
Stay tuned.
Here’s guide: